Achievement Test 7 (Question 1 & 2) – Chemistry Form 4 Chapter 7 (Rate of Reaction)

Question 1:
Rate of reaction measures the change in the quantity of reactants or products per unit time.

(a) State three units for measuring the quantity of substances.

(b) For each unit of measurement for the quantity of substances in 1(a), state the corresponding unit for the rate of reaction.

(a) g (mass); cm3 (volume); mol dm–3 (concentration)

(b) g s–1; cm3 s–1; mol dm–3 s–1

Question 2:
There are chemical reactions that are fast or slow in daily life. Some examples are given below. Arrange the reactions in the descending order of the speed of reaction.
(a) Banana decaying
(b) Baking a cake
(c) Boiling eggs
(d) Combustion of domestic gas
(e) Rusting of iron nails

(d), (c), (b), (a), (e)