Ceramics by Whatsapp Cikgu Kwee now! Ceramics Ceramic is a substance that is made from clay and hardened by heat in a furnace maintained at a high temperature.Clay is composed of aluminosilicate with sand and iron(III) oxide as impurities.Examples of ceramics includeTilesCementBricksporcelainThe properties of ceramics include the following:The differences between the properties of ceramics, metals and non-metals are given belowPropertyMetalsNon-metalsCeramicHardnessHard but malleable and ductileSoft and brittleHard but brittleDensityHighLowAverageMelting pointHighLowVery highResistance to heatHighLowVery highHeat andElectrical conductivityGoodconductorGoodinsulatorGoodinsulatorChemical reactionsCorrodesCorrodesStable, does not corrode Comparing Glass and Ceramic Common Properties of Glass and CeramicsHardStrong but brittleChemically inactivePoor conductor of heat and electricityHigh melting point – heat resistantCannot be compressed easily Whatsapp Cikgu Kwee now!