Instantaneous Rate of Reaction from a Graph

Finding Instantaneous Rate of Reaction from a Graph The rate of reaction changes from time to time as the reaction happens. The rate of reaction at a particular time is called the instantaneous rate. The instantaneous rate of a reaction is equal to the gradient of tangent at a particular time. Rate of reaction = Δ(product) Δ(Time) Δ(Product) = Change of the amount of product … Read more

Average Rate of Reaction from a Graph

Finding the Average Rate of Reaction from a Graph Example In a reaction between calcium carbonate and liquid hydrochloric acid, carbon dioxide gas that is released is collected in a burette. The graph shows the volume of carbon dioxide collected over time. Find the average rate of reaction in the first 60s.Answer:

Graph of Product/Reactant Change Against Time

Graph of Product/Reactant Change Against Time In a chemical reaction, the reactants will decrease over time the product will increase over time. the rate of reaction will decrease over time owing to the decrease in concentration and total surface area of reactants. In a graph of quantity of product/reactant over time, the rate of reaction … Read more

Average Rate of Reaction – Measurable Quantities

Finding Average Rate of Reaction from measurable quantities During a chemical reaction, two things happen The quantities of reactants reduce. The quantities of products increase. Therefore, the rate of the reaction can be determined by measuring the decrease of the amount of the reactants over time. measuring the increase in the amount of products over … Read more

Finding Average Rate of Reaction

Finding Average Rate of Reaction Rate of reaction is a measure of how fast a reaction occur, or how much the reactant/product change in a period of time.Rates of reaction = Quantity change of reactants/products Total time for the reaction ExampleIn a chemical reaction, 2.5g of calcium carbonate react completely with excess hydrochloric acid to produce 600cm³ of carbon dioxide gas in 1.5 minutes. Find … Read more

Understanding Rate of Reaction

Rate of reaction is defined as the change in the amount of reactants or products per unit time. It is a measure of how fast a reaction occurs. Fast Reaction = Rate of reaction is high. Slow Reaction = Rate of reaction is low A fast reaction taken shorter time for the reaction to complete. … Read more

SPM Form 5 Chemistry Chapter 1 – Rate of Reaction

Revision Notes Rate of Reaction Average Rate of Reaction Average Rate of Reaction – Measurable Quantities Average Rate of Reaction – Immeasurable Quantities Analysing Rate of Reaction from Graph Average Rate of Reaction from a Graph Instantaneous Rate of Reaction from a Graph Factors Affecting the Rate of Reaction Total Surface Area Concentration of Reactants … Read more