Chlorine + Sodium Hydroxide
Cl2 + 2NaOH → NaCl + NaOCl + H2O
The greenish chlorine gas dissolves quickly in sodium hydroxide, forming a colourless solution.
Chlorine gas reacts with sodium hydroxide to form a salt of sodium chloride, sodium chlorate(I) and water.
Bromine + Sodium Hydroxide
Br2 + 2NaOH → NaBr + NaOBr + H2O
The reddish-brown liquid bromine dissolves in sodium hydroxide, forming a colourless solution.
- Bromine liquid reacts with sodium hydroxide to form a salt of sodium bromide, sodium bromate(I) and water.
- The reaction is less reactive compared with chlorine.
Iodine + Sodium Hydroxide
I2 + 2NaOH → NaI + NaOI + H2O
The black iodine crystals dissolve slowly in sodium hydroxide, forming a colourless solution.
- The reddish-brown liquid bromine dissolves in sodium hydroxide, forming a colourless solution.
- Solid iodine reacts slowly with sodium hydroxide to form a salt of sodium iodide, sodium iodate(I) and water.
- The reaction is least reactive among the three.
Safety Precaution
- Fluorine, chlorine and bromine gases are poisonous.
- Therefore all the experiments involving these gases should be carried out in a fume chamber.
- The experiments involve fluorine are nor done in school.
- This is because fluorine is so reactive that it will react with most of the substance it comes into contact with.
- It is very difficult to conduct experiments involving fluorine.