Predicting the Formula of Ionic Compound user 13 years ago Predicting the Formula of Ionic Compound We can predict the charge of the ions formed from an element base on the group of the element.From the charge, we can then write the formula of the ionic compound formed.In short, we can predict the formula of an ionic compound if we know the group (in the periodic table) of the elements in the compound.The table below shows the formula of the ionic compounds formed by the elements from different group in a periodic table.ElementsFormula of Ionic CompoundExamplesAtoms of Metal, MAtoms of Non-Metal, NGroup 1Group 15 M3NNa3NGroup 1Group 16M2NK2OGroup 1Group 17MNLiClGroup 2Group 15M3N2Ca3N2Group 2Group 16MNMgOGroup 2Group 17MN2BaBr2Group 13Group 15MNAlNGroup 13Group 16M2N3Al2O3Group 13Group 17MN3AlI3 Recommended Video